In honor of School Board Appreciation, Lee Little brought CHS welding and FFA student, Harrison Lee, to present the Fentress County Board Members each with a butterfly yard art made from horseshoes by the TCAT DE students.
The Fentress County Board of Education Work Session began at 5:30 pm with the following topics discussed.
1. Reading of Minutes of Last Meeting
Directors Report
Financial Report
In the opening minutes of the meeting the Board discussed Monetary considerations of:
2. 141 Middle School CTE Budget Amendment $1399.00-moving money from instructional supplies to PD (professional development) for a 3D printer since all school now have a 3D printer.
3. 141 Innovative Schools Grant Budget Amendment $2,700,000-
• $1 million allocated to Clarkrange High School and $1.7 million allocated to the elementary schools. York Elementary was awarded less due to having fewer than 100 students in 6th-8th grades but the county is establishing funding so that each school has access to the same amount of funding.
• Funding must be established by years and was presented to the state in a breakdown budget of funding by years 1, 2, 3, and 4: In year one, most funding will go towards initial set up items, such as STEM room furniture for York Elementary, tables and chairs for the Human Services classroom at the Vocational building as well as the wiring ($10,000 budgeted for wiring). Transportation by means of a van with fuel for students to travel to competitions in for CHA CTE students. (Use of the van for transportation would be limited to CTE courses but does include middle school CTE usage.) For the elementary/middle school students, the funding would include the hiring of 2 STEM and 2 Agriculture teacher, as well as some equipment.
• Fentress Counties Application received one of the Highest Scorers across the State. It was worked on by Karen Little, Christy _______, Sheri Stilts, Christy Garrett a
4. 142 CFA Budget Amendment to Title I $9,000.00- Used to purchase Ready Kits for Kindergarten. The county hosts courses with upcoming kindergarten parents and teaches them how to prepare and use the materials to work with their children developmentally.
5. 142 CFA Budget Amendment to Title IV $1,000.00- increasing the amount for dual credit classes.
6. 142 Carl Perkins Basic Budget Amendment $2,200.00- competition for students for state competitions
7. 142- 21st CCLC Grant 2019 Cohort Budget Amendment $3,000.00- supervisor line and end of the year field trips for the afterschool programs (Donations received to cover meals for when they go on their trips.)
8. 142- 21st CCLC Grant 2022 Cohort Budget Amendment $2,552.00 (included with #7 above)
9. 141 Line Item Transfer GP SPED- $322.17- (increase in the line that was overspent for supplies and materials)
10. 141 Line Item Transfer HOME TEIS $2,000.00- provide services to students of young ages. It provides transportation for instructors to travel to the homes of these students to provide services.
11. 142 Line Item Transfer Carl Perkins Reserve $5,000.00- to purchase iPads for the robotics class at CHS in connection to STEM services
Items for New Business consideration of:
12. Resolution of Appreciation Honoring Special Teachers and Staff
13. TN Together Student Survey 2022-2023- A state-wide survey that is completely anonymous and completely optional for parent opt to participation in.
14. Out of State Trip-JROTC and FCCLA-Huntsville, AL US SPACE and Rocket Center & Out of State Trip-Rifle Team Competition- Fort Knox, KY
15. Out of State Travel- ISTE Conference- funded by two different funds; one of which is Title IV, and the other is grants (This is the counties third year applying to these Perkins Reserve Grants and they received it. PD and out of State Competitions in this year’s budgets are believed to be a deciding factor on this approval. Sheri Stilts and the STEM ambassador teachers will be attending the PD for this.)
Items for Old Business consideration of:
16. Lease Agreements for the Educational Service Building- decide whether or not to keep tenants (Leases had ran out and tenants are month to month. Board has the option to renew lease or provide tenants with a notice to vacate.) Board could use the space and one concern is the internet security (WIFI which is provided through Federal Grant that is being used unauthorized by current tenants). Consideration is that they do provide educational services as well, but they were requesting for their rent to be reduced, which is an area that needs to be evaluated based on the size of the space they are using. A new fair price for commercial space could be used towards other things, such as to help with salaries. Tenants have the option move to the Extension Building but it needs a lot of work. They also have the options if they remain where they are to obtain their own internet services separate for the school board to eliminate security risks.
• Motion to renew MOU at the same rate they were paying in the past but change and state that services will includes utilities except for internet. Renew until July and then consider what needs to be done at that point. Back pay needs to be brought up to date.
Last items on the agenda:
17. Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy 6.3042- clarifying language that even if DCS and law enforcement are doing an investigation, the school system will still conduct a separate investigation if needed.
18. ESSER Agenda Approval-public documents that must be published on-line and updated every 6 months that is based on surveys and to ensure that money is being used towards student readiness.
After a 5-minute break session, the meeting was called to session by County Executive Jimmy Johnson.
• All members were in approval of the minutes of the last meeting.
• Review of the director’s report
• Review of the Financial Report
• Monetary items consideration of
o Motion and second to individually approve and motion to carry all monetary items discussed in the work session notes above.
o County Executive Jimmy Johnson made a special note of thanks to the 5-6 people, including Karen Little, who had a hand in completing the application for item #3 141 Innovative Schools Grant Budget Amendment $2,700,000.
• New Business items consideration of
o Motion and second to individually approve and motion to carry all new business items discussed in the work session notes above.
o Conformation that survey results would be given to the county and school board of item #13 TN Together Student Survey 2022-2023.
• Old Business items consideration of
o Lease Agreement for the Educational Service Building
Motion by Sierra Koger to accept a lease renewal at current rate with the provision that they get their own internet by April 15th if logically able with rent in rears until July 1.
“Renew the MOUs at current rate of rent effective July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023 with rent in rears with the exception that they have their own internet by April 15 if able, with rent in rears paid by April 15 as well.”
Motion was second by Dalene Brannon and approved by all with the motion to carry.
o Motion and second to individually approve and motion to carry all old business items discussed in the work session notes above.
The next School Board Meeting will be scheduled for April 3, 2023, with 4:00pm salary committee, 5:30pm work session, with board meeting to follow.